Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Coming Soon!

Welcome to 2009!

Stay tuned for the 2008 HydroNation Awards. They will be 'non-typical' awards, and the list will be posted soon. Once posted, nominations will be accepted!

Also, there will be 2 photos contests open to everyone!

- The first will be the Best of 2008!
- The second will be 'Old School' any up to and including 1999!

I'm also considering a 'Best of Each Decade' ie 1970 to 1979

All classes of hydroplane racing are eligible for either photo contest. More details to come.

As always, your input is 'mandatory' LOL well, very much appreciated! I look forward to hearing from everyone.

One last thing, I'm still looking for individuals to contribute stories and photos.

Let's have some fun!


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